

Genintech Co.,Ltd

展位号: BIOON-da09273788d6

展台参观: 38659

产品总数: 8

信用积分: 5



地 址:吴中区金枫南路1258金桥工业园10栋

电 话:13862149980

传 真:0512-66369406


苏州乾芸仪器科技有限公司简介 苏州乾芸仪器科技有限公司主要由一批长期从事仪器仪表、自动设备等行业的生产技术人员组成。在仪器仪表、自动设备方面拥有较为丰富的工作经验,尤其在实验仪器、工业测量以及非标传动设备领域。苏州乾芸仪器科技有限公司自成立之日起,便专注于为客户提供性能可靠的产品以及满意的服务、技术支持!


这些产品涉及了生物、化学、物理实验室通用仪器、耗材,如离心机、移液器、离心管、吸头、PCR管等;同时也涉及了物理分析、工业产品测试、电气检测、电子仪表校准和工业现场检测等领域。涉及的行业涵盖了从化工、医药、食品、涂料、电子、农业、商检、卫生防疫、质检等到汽车、电气以及高效、研究单位等多个行业! 苏州乾芸仪器科技有限公司在引入世界顶级品牌与先进仪器、设备的同时不忘自己的职责,通过不断的培训、学习以及与供应商的密切沟通来努力提升自己知识、能力,以便对我们所经营的产品在技术上能够做到熟悉,在应用上能够做到熟练,从而确保为客户提供更好的、更高的、更全面的售前、售中及售后服务!同时苏州乾芸仪器科技有限公司目前业已建立了自己的配套加工工厂,可提供金属精密加工以及根据客户要求进行非标设备、工作台、储物箱等服务。

经过苏州乾芸仪器科技有限公司全员的不懈努力以及广大客户朋友的长期扶持,苏州乾芸仪器科技有限公司正向着“立足于品牌代理销售、基于自身的技术服务、新产品新品牌的开发”的伟大目标不断前进!在此谨对长期以来给与我们关注、理解和支持的各位客户朋友表示衷心的感谢!希望我们在产品供应资源、产品应用技术上的优势能够为您的科研项目、方案实施、问题的处理贡献点滴! 欢迎与我取得联系 |

About GeninTech.

GeninTech is a professional company to supply instruments, equipements and some consumptive materials for university, reaserch center, and some industrial facilities labs. GeninTech started to operation the business from 2012 years and has build its own sales team, also has its own sales chain. GeninTech cooperated with many famous brand to sell its products, service in domestic market. These brands such as sartorius, adam, hermle, shimaduzu and etc. GeninTech also can provide sheet metal service, such as work table, metal cabinet, balance table, metal boxes and etc.


At present, GeninTech main business covered the following areas:

1 instruments sales, such as pipettes, centrifuges, peristaltic pump, e-balance and measurement equipments;

2 consumptive materials sales, such as centrifuge tubes, tips, filters, ultrafiltration tubes and etc;

3 Sheet metal service;

4 repairments and calibration service, GeninTech now can provide hermle centrifuges and almost all brands of pipettes repairments service. At the same time, GeninTech also can provide pipettes calibration service. From 2014 years, GeninTech cooperated with some CNAS qualified lab to offer cans calibration service for instruments.


GeninTech is opening to welcome any instruments, consumptive materials manufactuers to build cooperation channel, in order to introduce more products with high quality and best price to our customers, users and distributors. Pls contact us in according to the following information if you want to enter the market or your want to expand your business in the market.


GeninTech offfical contact information:


fax,+86 512-66369406


GeninTech Co.,ltd