942339030111 Sodium Thermo Scientific™ 适用于 iCE™ 3000 系列原子吸收光谱仪的空心阴极灯
为了在使用 Thermo Scientific™ iCE™ 3000 系列原子吸收光谱仪时获得最大的灵活性,我们提供种类齐全的预编码空心阴极灯和非编码空心阴极灯,以此帮助您对选定的元素进行分析。
BackSeal-96/384, White Adhesive Bottom Seal for 96-well and 384-well Microplate
This Radial Purge Extension Window, made of quartz, is used with Avio® 200 and Optima® 2x00, 7000 DV, and 8000 ICP-OES
紫外灯 LC210-02 LC285 LC170 LC158 LC105 LC118 ELGA
紫外灯 LC210-02 LC285 LC170 LC158 LC105 LC118 ELGA UV Lamp LC210-02 LC285 LC170 LC158 LC105 LC118 ELGA flex