Tat D11—Novus高效诱导自噬新武器-产品资讯-资讯-生物在线

Tat D11—Novus高效诱导自噬新武器

作者:杭州联科生物技术股份有限公司 2016-09-30T10:04 (访问量:2755)

Tat D11—Novus高效诱导自噬新武器




目录号 产品名称 规格
H6-NBP2-49888 Tat-Beclin 1 D11 Autophagy Inducing Peptide 1mg
H6-NBP2-49886 Tat-Beclin 1 L11 Autophagy Inducing Peptide 1mg
H6-NBP2-49887 Tat-Beclin 1 L11S Autophagy Inducing Peptide 1mg

Figure 1. Tat-D11 and Tat-L11 are more potent autophagy inducers than Tat-Beclin 1. HeLa GFP-LC3B were treated with Tat-D11, Tat-L11, Tat-L11S or Tat-Beclin for 1.5 hrs, and (A) the number of autophagosomes were assessed by fluorescent microscopy and (B) the number of GFP+/ LC3B+ spots were quantified

Figure 2. Dose-response induction of GFP-LC3B in Hela cells by Tat-D11. Inset figure shows that the Tat-D11 is a more potent inducer of autophagy than the Tat-Beclin-1 peptide.

Figure 3 Induction of LC3B and downregulation of p62 in Hela cells by Tat-D11 and Tat-L11.


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