Scientific Reports:在形成转移灶之前发现循环肿瘤细胞-自主发布-资讯-生物在线

Scientific Reports:在形成转移灶之前发现循环肿瘤细胞

作者:北京冬歌博业生物科技有限公司 2015-11-27T11:10 (访问量:2896)

2015年11月27日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --许多肿瘤都会扩散:单个癌细胞随血液在体内迁移,一旦遇到合适的生长环境就会停留下来,通过这种方式在新组织形成转移灶,即使原位肿瘤得到治疗,体内仍然留有癌症的种子。在早期阶段检测血液中的癌细胞是非常困难的,每十亿个健康细胞中大约只有一个癌细胞。
最近来自德国的科学家开发出一种临床检测方法能够准确检测分离血液样本中的单个癌细胞,相关研究结果发表在自然系列杂志scientific reports上。
文章作者Ηarald Fuchs这样说道:"在疾病早期阶段检测血液中的癌细胞是非常困难的,主要是因为癌细胞的数目太少。打个比方来说,我们就像是在干草堆里找一根细针。"而检测血液中的癌细胞具有非常重要的意义,这能够帮助判断治疗是否成功,并可以帮助指导未来的治疗方向。除此之外,对分离得到的癌细胞进行遗传分析还可以帮助制定更加精准的治疗策略。
A Versatile Microarray Platform for Capturing Rare Cells
Falko Brinkmann, Michael Hirtz, Anna Haller, Tobias M. Gorges, Michael J. Vellekoop, Sabine Riethdorf, Volkmar Müller, Klaus Pantel & Harald Fuchs
Analyses of rare events occurring at extremely low frequencies in body fluids are still challenging. We established a versatile microarray-based platform able to capture single target cells from large background populations. As use case we chose the challenging application of detecting circulating tumor cells (CTCs)?-?about one cell in a billion normal blood cells. After incubation with an antibody cocktail, targeted cells are extracted on a microarray in a microfluidic chip. The accessibility of our platform allows for subsequent recovery of targets for further analysis. The microarray facilitates exclusion of false positive capture events by co-localization allowing for detection without fluorescent labelling. Analyzing blood samples from cancer patients with our platform reached and partly outreached gold standard performance, demonstrating feasibility for clinical application. Clinical researchers free choice of antibody cocktail without need for altered chip manufacturing or incubation protocol, allows virtual arbitrary targeting of capture species and therefore wide spread applications in biomedical sciences.
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