PLoS Pathog.:发现可抑制HIV传播的抑制剂-自主发布-资讯-生物在线

PLoS Pathog.:发现可抑制HIV传播的抑制剂

作者:上海研辉生物科技有限公司 2011-08-29T00:00 (访问量:4079)

美国波士顿大学医学院研究人员发现两种分子,当它们被药物激活后可以抑制HIV传播中的多个方面。这项发表在《公共科学图书馆 病原体》(PLoS Pathogens)上的研究有可能导致针对粘膜HIV传播的治疗方法。

在世界范围内,对于新HIV感染,异性传播占大多数,而且主要是在发达国家。阴道、子宫颈或直肠粘膜上的免疫细胞是HIV性传播感染的主要目标。研究认为,粘膜组织中的树突细胞在HIV传播上起了关键作用。它们可以有效地捕捉到病毒并移送给淋巴结,并在淋巴结中通过“反式感染”将病毒传递给T细胞。T细胞是支持病毒复制的主要细胞。除此以外,树突细胞还可以促进粘膜的炎症,为病毒复制创造了有利的环境。生 物 谷启用新域名


“重要的是,我们发现,这些药物抑制树突细胞介导的反式感染达5倍以上,着重说明了这些药物在抑制HIV传播中的潜力。”微生物学副教授格雷戈里 维利安蒂博士说。



BMC Immunology :接种天花疫苗或可预防艾滋病
Nature Chemical Biology:可阻断艾滋病病毒的新分子


PLoS Pathogens doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1000981

PPARγ and LXR Signaling Inhibit Dendritic Cell-Mediated HIV-1 Capture and trans-Infection
Timothy M. Hanley, Wendy Blay Puryear, Suryaram Gummuluru, Gregory A. Viglianti*

Department of Microbiology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America

Dendritic cells (DCs) contribute to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) transmission and dissemination by capturing and transporting infectious virus from the mucosa to draining lymph nodes, and transferring these virus particles to CD4+ T cells with high efficiency. Toll-like receptor (TLR)-induced maturation of DCs enhances their ability to mediate trans-infection of T cells and their ability to migrate from the site of infection. Because TLR-induced maturation can be inhibited by nuclear receptor (NR) signaling, we hypothesized that ligand-activated NRs could repress DC-mediated HIV-1 transmission and dissemination. Here, we show that ligands for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) and liver X receptor (LXR) prevented proinflammatory cytokine production by DCs and inhibited DC migration in response to the chemokine CCL21 by preventing the TLR-induced upregulation of CCR7. Importantly, PPARγ and LXR signaling inhibited both immature and mature DC-mediated trans-infection by preventing the capture of HIV-1 by DCs independent of the viral envelope glycoprotein. PPARγ and LXR signaling induced cholesterol efflux from DCs and led to a decrease in DC-associated cholesterol, which has previously been shown to be required for DC capture of HIV-1. Finally, both cholesterol repletion and the targeted knockdown of the cholesterol transport protein ATP-binding cassette A1 (ABCA1) restored the ability of NR ligand treated cells to capture HIV-1 and transfer it to T cells. Our results suggest that PPARγ and LXR signaling up-regulate ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux from DCs and that this accounts for the decreased ability of DCs to capture HIV-1. The ability of NR ligands to repress DC mediated trans-infection, inflammation, and DC migration underscores their potential therapeutic value in inhibiting HIV-1 mucosal transmission.

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