Luminex Ranked One of the 25 Fastest-Growing Technology Companies in America by Forbes-自主发布-资讯-生物在线

Luminex Ranked One of the 25 Fastest-Growing Technology Companies in America by Forbes

作者:Luminex 2010-04-15T00:00 (访问量:5133)

Luminex Ranked One of the 25 Fastest-Growing Technology Companies in America by Forbes


PR Newswire

AUSTIN, Texas, April 12 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Luminex Corporation (Nasdaq: LMNX), the worldwide leader in multiplexed solutions, today announced that it has been named one of the 25 Fastest-Growing Technology Companies in America by Forbes. This is the second consecutive year Luminex has been included on the Fast Tech 25 list.

“Luminex is honored to be among the companies named to Forbes' Fast Tech 25 list again this year,” said Patrick J. Balthrop, president and chief executive officer of Luminex Corporation.“We are driven by a mission to improve the health, safety and quality of life for people worldwide. Our continued growth is the result of our commitment to this mission and dedication to constantly create innovative new applications for our multiplexing xMAP Technology, which leads to its adoption across research, diagnostic and specialty markets.”

Luminex's unique multiplexing xMAP® Technology platforms perform up to 500 simultaneous tests for DNA and proteins on a single sample, providing clinicians, researchers and safety experts with quick, accurate, and cost-effective results. The technology can be found in laboratories around the world and is used across life science research, molecular diagnostics, agricultural sciences, animal health and biodefense. It is helping clinicians and researchers discover the cause of disease, create new medical therapies, pinpoint the cause of infections, identify genetic disease in newborns, and protect the public from terror attacks.

More than 6,700 Luminex instruments have been shipped to laboratories worldwide, making the company's technology the most widely implemented multiplexing platform in the world.

Companies named to the Forbes 25 Fastest Growing Technology Company list must have sales of $25 million and sales growth of at least 10 percent over the last 12 months. Companies also must have double-digit median three- to five-year earnings-per-share growth estimates. Companies were ranked on their five-year annualized sales growth, which had to be no less than 10 percent.

More information on Forbes' list of America's 25 Fastest-Growing Tech Companies can be at

About Luminex Corporation

Luminex Corporation develops, manufactures and markets proprietary biological testing technologies with applications throughout the diagnostic and life sciences industries. The Company's xMAP® multiplex solutions include an open-architecture, multi-analyte technology platform that delivers fast, accurate and cost-effective bioassay results to markets as diverse as pharmaceutical drug discovery, clinical diagnostics and biomedical research, including the genomics and proteomics markets. The Company's xMAP Technology is sold worldwide and is already in use in leading clinical laboratories as well as major pharmaceutical, diagnostic and biotechnology companies. Further information on Luminex Corporation or xMAP Technology can be obtained at

Luminex Corporate Contact:

Harriss T. Currie

Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer


Luminex Investor Relations Contact:

Mimi Torrington

Director of Investor Relations


Luminex 商家主页

地 址: 上海浦东张江高科技园区蔡伦路399号6号楼6407室

联系人: 金女士

电 话: 400-996-2655

传 真: 021-61650811


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